Principles of Management and Leadership (Level 3)


These qualifications are aimed at practising or aspiring managers who supervise or manage a team, or project officer and shift manager to achieve clearly defined outcomes. They will set and monitor goals and objectives by providing instruction, direction and guidance. Day to day operational and project activities are a key part of their role.

Upon completing the certificate and diploma qualifications you will be awarded Foundation Chartered Manager Status, putting aspiring and early-career managers on a guided development pathway to becoming a fully-fledged Chartered Manager.

The qualification structure and organisation of units for these qualifications have been informed has two key themes: 

  1. Foundations for Excellence

  2. Developing Capabilities, Delivering Results, Driving Best Practice

The qualification structure has been designed to support Learners to select combinations of units to address own development needs and interests. The units developed for each theme will also enable organisations to tailor the CMI Award/Certificate/Diploma to address specific organisational development needs.

CMI Level 3 Award in Principles of Management and Leadership

Learners must complete at least one unit to a minimum of 40 TUT hours, 4 credits, to achieve this qualification. Duration: 6 Months

CMI Level 3 Certificate in Principles of Management and Leadership

Learners must complete any combination of units to a minimum of 130 TUT hours, 13 credits to achieve this qualification. Duration: 1 year

Qualification Benefits

For learners

  • Support and monitor goals

  • Provide instructions around objectives

  • Give direction and guidance

  • Support day-to-day operations

  • Effective project planning

  • Providing an overview of the roles and responsibilities required for managers and develop the skills required to succeed

  • Foundation Chartered Manager offers professional recognition and access to the tools to facilitate continuing professional development (CPD) against our Professional Standard

For organisations

  • Ensuring teams can meet organisational objectives

  • Provides a fully comprehensive bank of the knowledge and skills required to be a manager as part of an organisation

  • The ability to apply learning in the context of another organisation or industry sector